*This will look a little different while we are in “Stay At Home” status. For the time being, we will meet via zoom. We will cover a little bit of training, and we will still make projects together. You will need to check on our Facebook page for the items you will need to bring to the meeting. This month we are doing a challenge. I’d like for each of you to choose a current stamp set (can be in new Annual Catalog, the new Beginner Brochure, or the new August-December Mini Catalog), and create two projects using the same stamp set. It can be cards, 3x3 cards, a 3D project, a scrapbook page, what ever you would like. You can only use 1 stamp set though.
For those of you that want it, I can give you some challenges, or help you brainstorm ideas to build your business.
The teams of Jamie Cullop (Creative Joy Stamping) and Tina Floe (Pixie Stampers) meet each month to celebrate accomplishments and spend time creating
Please RSVP so that we know how many to expect.
Here is the team meeting Zoom link to join:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/79513531552?pwd=WkFjTVI3NHQ2SHZyL0xFUWxIOCtCZz09
Meeting ID: 795 1353 1552 Password: 1JdSE9